Thursday, March 5, 2015

You Can't

My Sister's Keeper: You Can't.

Reading further into the book I guess that it gets easier to feel the way that Sara feels. Personally if I was the girls' mother I would find it hard to be doing these things to my daughter Ana. The part where Anna shares the true reason why she filed this case against her parents hits pretty close to home. I may not have cancer but I've dealt with self harm and depression for a while. Anna saying that her sister asked for her to kill her and how Anna walked into her room when her sister was about to kill herself is relatable... I know how it feels to want things to end when you're stuck with an illness that feels like you have no way out of and how you feel like you're just a burden to people. When Anna and Kate talk and Anna tells Kate that she can't kill herself... just how Kate cries and says I know... I just share so many of the same feelings as her because it's been a month since the year anniversary of my last suicide attempt. I cried so hard during that part of the book. Kate also meets a boy who is a recovering cancer patient just like herself. This reminds me of the Fault in Our Stars except this is not a love story. The same thing happens though, the 'healthier and recovering' boy dies, and the girl that was supposed to be sicker lives. The main thing though is that Kate doesn't find out until at least a month later since her mother was hiding it from her. Of course it was only to protect her daughter but that would hurt worse then knowing that he died. For over a month Kate thought he was ignoring her and forgot about her and tried to convince herself that she never really loved him anyway. But he was dead. There was nothing he could do to show her the truth. Believing the lie that your own mother spun to make you think that the boy you loved had just abandoned you is an awful thing in general and Kate also had to deal with having cancer, probably depression, and wanting to die and not wanting to disappoint her mother by doing it since Sara was doing everything to could to keep Kate alive. 

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