Thursday, April 16, 2015

A New Start

The Help: A New Start

A new beginning has finally begun. Minny has finally left Leroy and has a forever job with Celia. She's free of the abuse and fear that she has lived with for so long. Aibileen has been fired has lost May Mobley which was very emotional. She loved that little girl. Now she's rid of Mrs. Leefolt and though she didn't believe that she would be able to have a new start since she was too 'old'. Aibileen has now realized that will finally be able to have a new start even after all of this had happened. She figured it might have been a sign. Skeeter too has also been given a new start. She has been offered a job in New York and both Aibileen and Minny convinced her to go. She's free of her controlling mother and this town that she had lived her whole life in. Things are changing for these women and although these changes have been triggered with negative things there is now a clean slate. Minny's change was caused by abuse and lies about her, Aibileen's was caused by the loss of a job, Skeeter's was cause by a rejection from a writing job, but the main change was the book and what these women  had to go through in order to make it become real instead of just an idea. This was such an extremely dangerous thing but it was finally completed Of all of these things that caused the changes in this book these stories written down were the biggest cause of a change, not just for these three women, but for all of these maids and African Americans and hopefully the views of some of the white people who read it.

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